Woodland Survival

Bring your Brand to Life

High performing teams involve a mixture of good leadership, excellent communications, co-ordination and co-operation, creativity and information gathering. This activtiy encourages participants to exceed their potential with challenges for the brain and endurance. How will your team rise to the challenge of surviving in the wild? Fire lighting, shelter building and finding water may not be part of their job descriptions, but solving these challenges together provides a fun and practical way to increase team effectiveness. Teams will rotate around the challenge zones, with the team earning the most Jungle Dollars being declared Survival Champions. This task always delivers a buzz and creates a strong shift in attitude and behaviour around seeking to getting the best from one another. We would suggest selecting 4-6 activties for a half day (3 hours) and 6-8 for a whole day (6 hours). We can tailor each programme to fit your needs. We will discuss your business objectives, team issues and how comfortable or challenging you wish the experience to be!

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Includes: Run by survival experts Survival equipment Tailor made package to suit your event requirements A minimum of 4 survival activities