Battle of the Throne

Bring your Brand to Life

Always wondered how it would be if you were a part of the Game of Thrones series or just how it would be living back in medieval days? Swords, armors, knights, kings, horses…you name it! This team building offers a variety of tasks and games that require skill, concentration, team spirit and competition. Your group will be broken into Royal Houses and compete against one another to see which group will be the right one to rule the Kingdom. Throw in castles to build and castles to destroy, flags to design for the teams noble houses, suits of armour to construct under very difficult circumstances and some bouncy jousting to determine real champions and you have all the ingredients for a uniquely fun Game of Thrones style team building event.

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Includes: Coloured tabards for teams Costumed hosts Event staff All props, equipment, collateral and costumes All equipment A selection of games PA system Medal ceremony